E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Orchids for Tropical Garden K.H.Teo Bangkok, FEP International Sdn,Bhd 1979 Orchids
Statistics on the Burmese Economy Teruko Saito & Lee Kin Kiong Singapore , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1999 Statistics
A Working Plan for the Second 30-Year Rotation of the Matang Mangrove Forest Researve Perak (The First 10-Year Period 1980-1989) Haron Haji Abu Hassan Perak, State Forestry Department 1981 Mangrove
World Atlas of Mangroves Mark Spalding, Mami Kainuma and Lorna Collins London, Earth Scan 2010 Mangroves
The Role of Physical Processes in Mangrove Environments : Manual for the Preservation and Utilization of Mangrove Ecosystems Yoshihiro Mazda Tokyo, TERRAPI 2007 Mangroves
The Role of Social Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the ASEAN Region Bangkok,RECOFTC 2010 Community Forestry/Agroforestry
Journey amongst Mangroves Colin Field Okinawa , ISME 1995 Mangroves
World Mangrove Atlas Mark Spalding, Fransois Blasco and Colin Field Okinawa , ISME 1997 Mangroves
Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystem Colin Field Okinawa, The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystem 1995 Mangroves
Proceedings of the Intial National Workshop on Capicity Building for developing REDD-Plus Activities in the Context of Sustainable Forest Management ITTO Project RED-PD 038/11Rew-3(F) REDD+ Project Unit, Forest Department 2013 Environment/ Natural Resources
A Handbook of the forest Products of Burma AlEX.RODGER Burma,Rangoon 1921 Forest Products
Report of the Twenty-fifth Session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission F.A.O. New Zealand, F.A.O. 2013 Forest and forestry
Myanmar Laws (2011) Union Attorney General's Office Union Attorney General's Office 2013 Laws
Voluntary Guildlines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of land Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National food security F.A.O. F.A.O. 2012 Food Supply
Proceedings of the Initial National Workshop on Capacity Building for Developing REDD-Plus Activities in the Context of Sustainable Forest Management ITTO Project RED-PD 038/11 Rev.3(F) REDD+ Project Unit, Forest Department 2013 Environment/ Natural Resources
