
Exploring Contribution of Local Forests to Alleviating Climate Change Impacts on Crops Productivity and Food System Stability: Case Study in Dry Zone Area
Assessing different livelihood of the local people and causes of forest degradation and deforestation in the Kayah State
Assessing the Role of Community Forestry for Climate Change Adaptation from Gender perspective: Case Study for Delta Area, Myanmar
A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Community Forestry based on Different Governance Structures: Case Study in Dry Zone Area, Myanmar
Impacts of Agroforestry Practices on Local Livelihoods of the Ayeyarwady Delta towards Development of Community Forestry
Review on Research Papers Presented at FRI’s Research Congresses
Effective Control Measures of Some Major Insect Pests in Young Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) Plantations
Identification, Morphology, and Nutrient Composition of Edible Fungi and Insects in Myanmar
Comparative Study on Kitchen Waste as Fuel Application by Using Microgasifier
Investigation on Chemical Compositions and Suitable Utilization of Five Species (Shoreafarirosa, Shoreacirerea, Shorearoxbur, Hopeaatorata Roxb, Hopeaheliferi (Dyer) from Taninthayi Division
Investigation on the Decay and Termite Resistance of Five Wood Species from Tanintharyi Region
Investigation on Suitable Utilization of Genus Hopea and Shorea Species from Tanintharyi Region
Research on Chromite Resource Estimation at the BophiVum Area, Tidim Township, Chin State, Myanmar
Study on the Response of Drought Resistant Tree Species to Salinity Stress in Dry Zone Forest Plantations
Ensuring National Safeguards Framework for REDD+ in Myanmar
The Dynamic Earth: with special reference to active tectonic events in Myanmar
A Preliminary Study on Response to Three Different Thinning Grades in a 23 Years Old Teak Plantation
Study on Growth Responsiveness of Provincial Teak Species to Silvicultural Thinning
Assessment on Stand Structure and Naturally Growth of Santalum album Linn.
Plant Water Relations as an Indicator of Site Degradation and the Prosopis juliflora Invasion
A Key to the Genus Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in Myanmar with Descriptions of 5 New Tax0a
Proposed Seed and Planting Zonation of Myanmar Teak based on Genetic Information Detected by cpSNP and nrSSR Markers
Land covers change process in Central Dry Zone, Myanmar
Mixed Species Trial with Teak: An Appraisal of Growth and Soil Nitrogen Enrichment
Preliminary Study on Variation in Flowering and Fruiting of Teak in Clonal Seed Orchard in Myanmar
Study on Distribution and Medicinal Values of Wild Orchids in Matu Pe Township, Southern Chin State
Assessing Different Land Use Pattern and Livelihood of the Local People in the Mangrove Area (Case Study in Pyapon Township)
Study on Distribution and Medicinal Uses of Some Plant Species in Natma Taung National Park, Southern Chin State
Study on Criteria and Indicators of International Standards for Certification Contributing Sustainable Forest Management in Natural and Planted Forests in Myanmar
Morphological, Anatomical Characteristics and Uses of Three Myanmar Species of the Genus hododendron from Natma-taung National Park, Southern Chin State
