E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Indigenous Technology Knowledge for Watershed Management in Upper North-West Himalayas L.R.Verma Nepal,PWMTA 1998 Watershed Management
Farmer-Led Integrated Watershed Management Chandra K.Sen,Tei Partap & Prem N.Sharma Nepal,PWMTA 1997 Watershed Management
Field Manual for Research in Agricultural Hydrology H.N.Holtan,N.E.Minshall & L.L.Harrold Washington,D.C.United States Development of Agriculture 1962 Watershed Management
Monsoon Asia H.Robinson London,Macdonald & Evans 1966 Monsoons
Hydrogeology Staley N.Davis & Roger J.M.Dewiest New York,John Wiley & Sons 1966 Groundwater
Hydrology for Engineers Ray K.Linsley,Max A.Kohler & Joseph L.H.Paulhus New York,McGraw-Hill Book 1958 Watershed Management
Water and Agriculture Roy D.Hockensmith Washington,D.C.American Association for the Advancement of Science 1960 Water
Water The United Ststes Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C.., the United States Government Printing Offices 1955 Water
Regional consultation on conservation of the Kanchanjunga Mountain ecosystem A jay Rastogi, Pai Shengji & Devendra Amatya Nepal, ICIMOD 1997 Mountains
Tidal Lands: A study of shore problems Alfred E. Carey & F.W. Oliver London, Blackie and Son ltd 1918 Tides
Reclamation of land from Tidal waters Alexander Beazeley London, Crosby Lockwood and Son 1900 Tides
Structural Geology Maryland P.Billings Eagle wood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, Inc 1954 Geology
Introduction of Geology H.H. Read & Janet Waston London, Macmillan 1962 Geology
Field Geology Frederic H. lahee New York, McGraw. hill book 1959 Geology
Geology of India D.N. Wadia London, The English Language Book Society 1953 Geology
