E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
The Shot Gun T.D.S.Purdey & Capt.J.A.Purdey London, Adam and Charles Black 1947 Shooting with Guns
A Hunger's Saga W.Robert Foran London, Robert Hale Limited 1961 Hunting
A Hunger's Saga W.Robert Foran London, Robert Hale Limited 1961 Hunting
Guns and Hunting Pete Brown New York, A.S.branes 1955 Hunting
The Prince of Wales's Sport in India Bernard C.Ellison London, Willian Heinemann 1925 Animal Racing
Modern Mountaineering Showell Styles London, Faber and Faber Ltd. 1964 Mountains
Principles and Use of Surveying Instruments J.Clendinning London, Blackie and Son Ltd. 1950 Surveying Equipment
Air Survey in Economic Development Rolt Hammond London, Frederick Muller Ltd. 1967 Aerial photography
Miniature Camera T.L.J.Bentley London, George Newnws Limited 1957 Camera
Camera Close Up Q.R.Croy London, The Focal Press 1961 Camera
Camera Techniques: Fundamentals and Equipment H.J.Walls London, The Focal Press 1960 camera
Aerial Photographs in Forestry Stephen H.spurr New York,Ronald Press Company 1948 Aerial photography
Aerial Photographs in Forestry Stephen H.spurr New York,Ronald Press Company 1948 Aerial photography
Manual of Map Reading Air Photo Reading and Field Sketching: Part III Field Sketching Command of the Army Council London,Her Majestry's Stationery Office 1957 Map Reading
Manual of Map Reading Air Photo Reading and Field Sketching: Part III Field Sketching Command of the Army Council London,Her Majestry's Stationery Office 1957 Map Reading
