E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Commericial Timbers of India R.S. Pearson & H.P. Brown Calcutta, Central Publication Branch 1932 Timber
Timber Plantations in the Humial Tropics of Africa B.Dupuy & G. Mille Rome, F.A.O 1993 Timber
Timber of the New World Samuel J.Record & Robert W.Hess London, Yale University Press 1943 Timber
Timber Resources for America's Future U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C,U.S Department of Agriculture 1958 Timber
Timber Trends in the United States U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington,D.C,U.S Department of Agriculture 1965 Timber
Some Commerical Timbers of Burma Forest Research Institute & Timber Corporation Yezin,FRI 1980 Timber
Decay of Timber and Its Prevention K.ST.G. Cartwright London,Her Majestry's Stationary Office 1958 Timber
Steel and Timber Structures George A.Hool...[et.al.] New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company 1942 Timber
Harvesting timber Crops A.E. Wackerman New York,McGraw- Hill Book Company 1949 Forest Harvesting/ Logging
Forest Trees and Timbers of New Zealand H.V. Hinds & J.S.Reid New Zealand,R.E. Owen 1957 Timber
Simplified Design of Structural Timber Harry Parker, M.S New York,John Wiley & Sons 1948 Timber
The Preservation of Timber W.P.K. Findlay London,Adam & Charles Black 1962 Timber
Market Prospects of Fast-Growing Timber Plantation Species in Penisulaar Malaysia Norini Haron, Lim Him Fui aand Woon Weng Chuen Kuala Lumpar, Forestry department Penisular Malaysia 2002 Timber
An Introduction to the Design of Timber Structures Phillip O. Reece London, E & F.N. Spon Ltd 1949 Timber
Timber at War :An Account of the Organisation and Activities of the Timber Control 1939-1945. Sir Archibald Harris London, Ernest Benn Limited 1965 Timber
