E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
African Biodiversity : Foundation for the Future : A Frame work for Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development WWF USAID Biodiversity
An Atlas of Biodiversity ,In Indinesia The State Ministry of Environment Republic of Indonesia and KONPHLINDO The State Ministry of Environment Republic of Indonesia and KONPHLINDO 1995 Biodiversity
An Atlas of Biodiversity , In Indonesia The State Ministory of Environment Republic of Indonesia and KONPHLINDO WWF The State Ministory of Environment Republic of Indonesia and KONPHLINDO WWF 1995 Biodiversity
Addressing the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation Mary-Ellen Foley, Tatiette Moussa, Han J.H.Verolme Washington D.C. ,Biodiversity Action Network 1999 Forest and forestry
Identification and Gap Analysis of Key biodiversity Areas, Targets for Comprehensive Protected Area Systems Peter Valentine Iucn,Gland, Switzerland 2007 Biodiversity
Habitats: Realm of the Tiger The National Geographic Society The National Geographic Society, Washington D.C Tiger
Wetlands: Conservation and Wise Use Wetlands Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, Malaysia 2003 Wetland
Global Biodiversity Assessment, Summary for Policy-Makers R.T.Watson (Chai), V.H.Heywood UNEP 1995 Environment/Natural Resources
National System Planning for Protected Areas Adrian G.Davey Adrian Phillips IUCN 1998 Protected Areas
Guidelines for Legislation to Implement CITES Cyrille de Klemm IUCN 1993 Laws-Wildlife
A Framework for Identifying High Priority Areas and Actions for the Conservation of Tigers in the Wild Finette Hemly, Dorene Bolze The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Save the Tiger Fund,WWF 1997 Tiger
Centers of Plant Diversity, A Guide and Strategy for their Conservation S.D.Davis,V.H.Heywood,A.C.Hamilton WWF,IUCN,European Commission, U.K.O.D.A. 1995 Biodiversity
Community Forestry, Participatory Assessment , monitoring and evaluation D'Arcy Davis-Case F.A.O.,Rome 1989 Community Forestry/Agroforestry
Protected Areas Economics and Policy thinking Conservation and Sustainable Development Mohan MunasingheWashington, Jeffrey McNeely IUCN,Washington, U.S.A 1994 Protected Areas
Guidelines for Establishing Marine Protected Areas Graeme Kelleher andRichard Kenchington The World ConservationUnion, Venezuela 1992 Protected Areas
