E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Pathology in Forestry Practice Dow Vawter Baxtert New York, John Wiley & Sons 1952 Forest Pathology
Breeding Pest-Resistant Trees H.D.Gerhold...[et.al] Oxford , Pergamon Press Ltd. 1966 Pests
Stuides on Stroge of Mechanically Damaged Seed of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestrisl) S,K,Karma Stockholm , Royal College of Forestry 1967 Seeds
Stuides on Stroge of Mechanically Damaged Seed of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestrisl) S,K,Karma Stockholm , Royal College of Forestry 1967 Seeds
Investigation on the Suitable Germanation Duration for Pinus Silvestsis and Picea Abies Seed S,K,Karma Stockholm , Royal College of Forestry 1969 Seeds
Seed Weight of larch from Different Provenances (Larix Decidva Mill) Milan Simak Stockholm, Royal College of Forestry 1967 Seeds
Determination of Mechanical Damage on Scots Pine Seed With X-ray Contrast Method S.K.Kamra Stockholn, Esselte Aktiebology 1963 Seeds
Distance Methods : The Use of Distance Measurements in the Estimation of Seeding Density and Open Space Frequency Olle Persson Stockholm, Royal College of Forestry 1964 Seeds
Seed Sterility and Disturbances in Embryogency in Conifers with Particular Reference to Seed Testing and Tree Breeding in Pinaceae P.D.Dogra Stockholm, Royal Collegee of Forestry 1967 Seeds
Proceedings : International Symposium on Recent Advances in Tropical Tree Seed Technology and Planting Stock Production Asoka C Yapa Thailand, ASEAN Forest Tree Seed Centre 1995 Seeds
Forest Seed Directory F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1956 Seeds
A Guide to Forest Seed Handing R.E.Willam Rome ,F.A.O 1985 Seeds
Seeding and Planting J.W.Joumey New York, John Wiely & Sons,Inc 1916 Seeds
Tree Seed Notes F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1955 Seeds
Forest Tree Seed of the North Temperate Regions with Special Reference to North America Henry Ives Baldwin Waltham, the Chronica Botanica Company 1942 Seeds
