E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Forest Mensuration Herman H Chapman New York Mc Graw -Hill Book Company Inc 1949 Mensuration
Economics of Private Forestry Ralph W. Mar Quis New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc 1939 Production Planning and Mensuration
Forest Valuation with Special Emphasis on Basic Economic Principles Herman GH. Chapman & Walter H.Meyer New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc 1947 Production Planning and Mensuration
Fundamentals of Forest Economy William A. Duerr New York,McGraw Hill Book Company Inc 1960 Production Planning and Mensuration
Grazing and Forest Economy F.A.O Rome F.A.O 1953 Production Planning and Mensuration
Forest Products annual Market Review 2008-2009 United Nations New York ,United Nations 2009 Forest Exploitation and products
Explosing the Forest John & Jane Greverus Perry New York, McGraw- Hill Book Company,Inc 1962 Forest Management
Management of American Forests Donald Maxwell Matthews New York, Mc Graw- Hill Book COmpany.INC 1935 Forest Management
Readings in Sustainable Forest Management F.A.O London,Oxford University Press Forest Management
Colonial Forest Administsation R.S.Troup London,Oxford University Press 1993 Forest Management
History of Forest Management in Kerala Mammen Chundamannl Kerala, Kerala Forest Research Institude 1993 Forest Management
Forestry in Farm Management R.H. Westveld & Ralph H. Peck New York , John Willey & Sons 1941 Forest Management
Schlich 's Manual of Forestry : Vol,III Forest Management Sir Wm Schlich London,Bradbury ,Agnew, Co ltd 1911 Forest Management
Forest Management Herman H. Chapman Bristol , The Hildreth Press 1950 Forest Management
Forest Management A.B.Recknage & John Bentely New York, John Wiley & Sons 1919 Forest Management
