Lists of Projects being implemented in cooperation with International Organization (July, 2018)

Lists of Projects being implemented in cooperation with International Organization
(July, 2018)
Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project –TNRP: Moattama Gas Transportation Company -MGTC၊ Taninthayi Pipeline Company -TPC၊ Andaman Transportation Limited - ATL Latt Htoke and Htet Lan Kan Community Forest Plantation Project: Japan International Forestry Promotion and Cooperation Center- JIFPRO
Myanmar Stove Campaign: Mercy Corps
Program on sustainable use of plant resources with particular emphasis on the medicinal plants on botanical inventory and subsequent evaluation: Japan International Cooperation Agency- JICA, Makino Botanical Garden- MBK, Japan
Collaboration Program to support the Conservation of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity in the Tanintharyi Region: Fauna and Flora International-FFI
Capacity Building, Research and Development Activity of Mangrove Reforestation and Conservation of Endangered Orchid Species in Myanmar: Worldview International Foundation-WIF၊ Worldview Myanmar Limited-WML
Cooperation Concerning Biological Resources and Information: National Institute of Biological Resources of the Republic of Korea-NIBR
The establishment of ASEAN-ROK Forest Cooperation Regional Education and Training Centre (AFoCo RETC): Korea Forest Service-KFS
Cooperation on the implementation of Small Grant Programmes in ASEAN Heritage Parks of Myanmar: ASEAN Center for Biodiversity-ACB
. Upscaling Dissemination of Improved Cookstoves in Myanmar through Replication of Best Practices from the Region: GROUP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SOLIDARITY-GERES
Strengthening Sustainability of Protected Area Management in Myanmar: Global Environment Facility-GEF
Conservation of Biodiversity and Improved Management of Protected Areas: Norwegian Environment Agency-NEA
Integrated Water Resources Management-Institutional building and training: The Government of the Kingdom of Norway
Capacity Building of Relevant Stakeholders for REDD+ Readiness of Myanmar: Korea Forest Service-KFS
Cooperation in the field of the Conservation of Sun Bear in Myanmar: Istituto Oikos
FD-KNA Project Collaboration Research on Plant and Seed Conservation: The Korea National Arboretum of the Korea Forest Service- KNA
Biodiversity Conservation and Research Cooperation Project: The Chinese Academy of Sciences-CAS
REDD+ Himalayas: Developing and using experience in implementing REDD+ in the Himalayas: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development-ICIMOD
. Biological Inventory for updating the Flora and Fauna of Myanmar: National Museum of Nature and Sciences-NMNS, Japan
OneMap Myanmar: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation-SDC
DAFNE- Women, Environment and Community Forests for food security in Rakhine: Italian Development Cooperation Agency
Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade Phase III
Cooperation in the field of the Biodiversity Conservation in Myanmar: Istituto Oikos
Sustainable cropland and forest management in priority agro-ecosystems of Myanmar (GCP/ MYA/ 017/GEF): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations- FAO
Genetic Research in Slow Loris in Myanmar: Jikei University School of Medicine, Core Research Facilities (Division of Molecular Cell Biology)
Cooperation in the field of Wildlife Conservation in Myanmar: Wildlife Conservation Society-WCS
Cooperation in Snow Leopard in Myanmar: Panthera Cooperation
Research on Botanical Diversity of Myanmar’s Northern Forest Complex: The New York Botanical Garden-NYBG
Nesting a REDD+ Project Carbon Accounting and Monitoring System Under the (Sub-) National System: Forest and Forest Products Research Institute- FFPRI
Collaboration in the Fields of Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry-related Activities in Myanmar: Fauna and Flora International- FFI
Research Collaboration on Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change: University of British Columbia (UBC)
Forest Law Enforcement, Government and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement: Department for International Development- DFID (UK)
FAO Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations- FAO
Strengthening Capacity of Forest Research Institute, Myanmar (TCP/MYA/3607): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations- FAO
Integrated Planning and Practices for Mangrove Management Associated with Agriculture and Aquaculture in Myanmar: Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) and The University of Queensland (UQ)
Capacity Building for Strengthening Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation of the Tanintharyi Range in Myanmar: International Tropical Timber Organization-ITTO
Improving the Capacity of Myanmar National Forest Inventory (IC-MNFI): Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Understanding the drivers of deforestation in Myanmar: National University of Singapore (NUS)
Voices for Mekong Forests: RECOFTC၊ WWF၊ MERN
Climate Adaptation in Coastal Communities of Myanmar: Improved Management of Mangrove Forests: DANIDA