
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Kanyaung Shorea argentea C.E.C. Fisher
Species Trial For Fuelwood Production ( Part-2 )
Study on the Effectiveness of the Application of Fertilizer in Dry Zone Forest Plantations
Proposed Strength Grouping of some Commercial Burmese Timber
Study on Some Burmese Timbers Suitable for Pencil Making
Preliminary Studies on the Quality and Yield of Gum from Acacia Senegal
Studies of Energy Source from Different Types of one Stick Fuel - Wood Stove
Soil Nutrient -Vegetation Relationship in the Forest Research Institute, Yezin.
Reliability of Height Estimates of Some Teak Plantations Using Existing Aerial Photographs
Testing the Methods of Vegetative Propagation of Padauk ( Pterocarpus Macrocarpus kurz.)
Studies on Seed Storage, Germination and Growth During Nursery Stage of some Indigenous and Exotic Species
An Assessment of Yield of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis in Katha Forest Area
Effects of Tending Pperations on Some Plots of Naturally Regenerated Bamboos
Effects of Tending Pperations on Some Plots of Naturally Regenerated Bamboos
Investigation on the Suitability of some Tropical Pines for Plantation Establishment in the Shan State Area
Operation of a Portable Kiln and Use for the Investigation of Quality of Charcoal Produced from Some Fuelwood Species in Delta Area.
Evaluation of Solar Dryers Tested at the Forest Research Institute
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Certain Anatomical Characteristics and Basic Physical Properties in Three Burmese Woods
Studies on the Biogas Production of Bawzagaing [Leucaena leucocephala] and Thinbaw Kokko [Samanea saman] leaves.
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Zaungbale (Lagerstroemia Villosa Wall.)
Comparative Studies on Taxonomic Characters of Some Meze Varieties Including Myitzuthka-Natpan.
A Survey on Cane Utilization in Burma and Testing the Methods of Propagation.
A Survey on Cane Utilization in Burma and Testing the Methods of Propagation.
A Survey on Cane Utilization in Burma and Testing the Methods of Propagation.
Detection of Changes in Forest Cover of Some Forest Reserves in Pegu Yoma Area Using Sequential Aerial Photographs
A Preliminary Study on The Coppicing of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis and Eucalyptus Grandis During the First Growing Season Following Clear Cutting.
Soil-Site Requirements of Tree Species on Dryzone Adverse Sites.
Species Trial for Fuelwood Production
Growth Response of Hardwood Species in Pegu Yoma Forests
A Preliminary Investigation of Teak [ Tectona Grandis Linn. F ] Stain and Possible Control Measures
