E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Name Changes in Common Indian Grasses M.B. Raizada Dehra Dun , Forest Research Institude Grasses
Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman: Reprinted From Pacific SciencePart 2 to 19 Harold St. John 1961 Pandanales
Machines for Power Forming Archie A. stone and Harold E. Gulvin New York, John, Wiley & Sons,Inc 1967 Machine andEquipment sheds
Political Systems of Highland Burma : A Study of Kachin Social Structure E.R.Leach London, G.Bell and Sons 1964 Anthropology
Bird Families K.Nixon London, Frederick Warme & Co Ltd Birds
ASTM standard on wood, Wood Preservatives and Related Materials Philadelphia, American Society for Testing Materials 1959 Wood
Planting of Eucalypts in Myanmar Own Lwin 1993 Eucalypts
Contributions to the Fauna of Mergui and It's Arichipelago (Vol.I) Pro P.Martin Duncan London, Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street 1889 Zoology/Animals
Man, Fire and Wild Cattle in North Cambodia Charles H.Wharton Georgia, Georgia State College Cattle
Land Use and Resource Management in Northeast Thailand Kasetsart University, Department of Forest Management Land
Meristems, Growth and Development in Woody Plants J.A.Romberger Forest service,U.S.Department of Agriculture 1963 Trees
Flora of British India (Vol.V) J.D.Hooker Ashford, L.Reeve & Co.Ltd 1885 Flora
Good Practices in Dryslands Management Ragnar Dygard, Trondheim Vedeld and Jensen Aune Norway, Noragric Agricultural University of Norway 1999 Arid Lands
A Note on some European Sylvicultural Systems with Suggestion for Improvements in Indian Forest Management R.S.Troup India, Superintendent Government Printing 1916 Forest Management
Landslide Hazard Mitigation in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas Li Tianchi, Suresh Rai Chalise and Bishal Nath Upreti Kathmandu, ICIMOD 2001 Landslides
