E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Forest Product Annual Market Review 1996-1997 Forest Product
Setting Up a Tree Nursey Wilco Liebregts & Gunnar Keppel Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests, Fiji Forest-Nursery Practice
Socioeconomic Attributes of Trees and Tree Planting Practices John B.Raintree Rome, F.A.O. 1991 Community Forestry/Agroforestry
Teak: Some Aspects of Research and Development K.J.White Bangkok, F.A.O. 1991 Teak
Soil Erosion and It's Control in the Shan States,Burma Thompson, T.S. Burma, Deputy Conservation of Forests 1944 Soil Science
Teak in Asia Henry Wood Bangkok, F.A.O. 1992 Teak
Pre Implementation Seminar Advisory Group Meeting... proceeding FOASPA Bangkok,F.A.O. 1992 Forest and Forestry
Fertilizer Application Soil Plant Animal Andre Voisin London, Crosby Lockwood 1965 Soil Science
Principles of Genetics Edmund W. Sinnott & L.C. Dunn & Theodosius Dobzhansky New York, Mc Graw Hill Book Company ,Inc 1958 Genetics
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth E.Walter Russell London, Longmans 1961 Soil Science
Reclamative Soil Science I.I Plyusnin Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House Soil Science
Penguin Science Survey 1968: Biology Anthony Allison London, Penguin Books 1968 Biology
Soil Nutrition of Plants T.Lysenko Moscow ,Foreign Languages Publishing House 1957 Soil Science
The Science of Botany Paul B. Weisz and Melvin S. Fuller New York, Mc Graw- Hill Book Company, Inc 1962 Botany / Plants
Meristems, Growth, and Development in Woody Plants J.A. romberger Forest Service, U.S Department of Agriculture 1963 Trees
