E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Manual of Fumigation for Insect Control H.A.U.Monro Rome,F.A.O. 1961 Fumigation-Pest control
Plant Collection Techniques and Herbarium Management Nyo Aung University of East Yangon, Department of Botany 2003 Botanical Garden
Human Variation and Origins: An Introduction to Human Biology and Evolution San Francisco, W.H.Freeman and Company 1949 Evolution
Why Men Behave like Apes and Vice Versa or Body and Behavior Earnest Albert Hooton Princeton,At the University Press 1940 Anthropology
Firewood Crops: Shrub and Tree Species for Energy production National Academy of Science Washington D.C., National Academy of Science 1476 Biomass Energy
Forests and Forest Management in Mongolia A.Enkhbat, J.Tsogtbaatar & H.Yhkanbai Bangkok, F.A.O. 1997 Forest Management
What does it take; The Role of Incentives in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific Thomas Enters and PatrickmB.Durst Bangkok,F.A.O. 2004 Forest and forestry
Workshop on Forestry and Agroforestry on sloping lands of Northern Vietnam Phu Ninh,Vinh Phu, Vietnam 24-28 June 1990 Dr.Frede Danborg Gertrud Stiefler Hanoi,Department of forestry Development 1996 Community Forestry/ Agroforestry
National workshop on Strengthening Re-cfforestation Programmer in Myanmar CFDTC, Hmawbi Myanmar 29 Nov-1 dec 1995 U Saw Han Yangon, forest management 1995 Fore station
Some Indigenous Technology Knowledge and Practices for Watershed Management in Sri Lanka Rem N.Sharma Nepal, Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) 1999 Watershed Management
Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Asia; Land Resources F.A.O. Bangkok, F.A.O. 1999 Land Resources
Myanmar Kyun(Tectona gandis) A part of Extraction History U San Myint Yangon, U Shun Maung 2003 Teak
Numerical Methods for Mathematics,Science and Engineering John H.Mathews Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-HillcInc. 1992 Mathematics
Structural Adhesives the theory and Practice of gluing with Synthetic resins London ,Lange, Maxwell & Springer Adhesives
Forest Products Price, Prix Des Produits Forestiers 1996-1998 Forest product
