E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Tree Planting Practices in Asia : Japan F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1956 Forest Nursery Practice
Tree Planting Practices in Asia : Japan F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1956 Forest Nursery Practise
Principles of Insect Pathology Edward A.Steinhaus New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company 1949 Animal Diseases
The Principles of Insect Physiology V.B.Wiggleswoorth London, Methuen & Co.Ltd. 1965 Animal Physiology
The Principles of Insect Physiology V.B.Wiggleswoorth London, Methuen & Co.Ltd. 1965 Animal Physiology
The Principles of Insect Physiology V.B.Wigglesworth London, Methuen & Co.Ltd. 1959 Animal Physiology
Plant Drugs that Changed the World Norman Taylor London, George Allen & Unwin 1965 Botany/Plant
Market Theory and the Price System Israel M. Kirzner New York, D.Van Nostrand Company,Inc 1963 General Management
Physiology of Trees Paul J.Kramer & Theodore T.Kozlowski New York,McGraw-Hill Book Company 1960 Trees
Road Engineering E.L.Leeming London,Constable and Company 1952 Roads
Irrigation Principles and Pactices Orson W.Israelsen New York, John Wiley & Sons 1953 Irrigation
Building Techniques(Two,Structure) Harold King and Denzil Nield London, Science Paperbacks 1967 Building
Building Techniques(Vol.one,Structure) Harold King and Denzil Nield London,Science Paperbacks 1967 Building
Principles of Fungicidal Action James G.Horsfall Waltham, Chronica Botanical Company 1956 Fungicides
Forest Fertilization Donald P.White and Albert L.Leaf New York, State University College of Porestry 1956 Fertilizers
