E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Participatory Forest Management Implications
Participatory Forest Management : Implications for Policy and Human ResourcesDevelopment in the Hindu Kush. Himalayas.Vol.I Auapam Bhatia and Sameer Karki Katjmandu, ICIMOD 1999 Forest Management
Deciduous Fruit Tree Cultivars for Tropical and Sub Tropical Regions H.C. ruck England, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 1975 Fruits
Foundations for Houses and Other Small Structures W.H. Elgar London, The Architectural Press 1951 Foundation Engineering
Setting Up a Tree Nursery Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Forests Fiji, The Association 1998 Forest Nursery Practice
Irrigated Forestry in Arid and Semi Arid Lands: A Synthesis. F.B. Armitage Ottawa, IDRC 1985 Forest Products
The Reptiles Archie Carr Nederland, Time Life International 1968 Reptiles
Xylotomy of the Living Conifers Pal Greguss Budapest , Akademiai Kicdo 1972 Gymonosperms
The Silviculture Research Code vol.3 The Tree and Crop Measurement Manual A.L.Griffith & Jagdamba,Prasad Delhi, The Manager of Publications 1949 Silviculture
Traditional Land Tensures and
Sehlich's Manual of Forestry: vol,II Forest Management ,Including Menscaration and Valuation Sir Wm . Schlick London, Bradbury, Agnew 1925 Forest Management
Casuarinas: Nitrogen - Fixing Trees for Adverse Sites National Research Council Washingtn D.C,National Academy Press 1984 Casuarinales
Casuarinas: Nitrogen - Fixing Trees for Adverse Sites National Research Counci
Reinforced Concsete Designer's Handbook Chas. E. Reynolds London,,Concrete Publications 1957 Allied Materials
Vegetation Mapping A.W. Kuchler New York, The Ronald Press 1967 Mathematical Geography
