E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Tree Planting Practices For Arid Areas Marchel Leloup Rome, F.A.O 1955 Forest Nursery Practice
Bark Dr. Alford Schwankl London, Thames and Hudson 1956 Barks
Bark Dr. Alford Schwankl London, Thames and Hudson 1956 Barks
Tropical Siviculture: vol.III F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1958 Silviculture
A World Geography of Forest Resources Stephen Haden Guest ,John K. wright and Eleen M. Teclaff New York, The Ronald Press 1956 Geography
Forest Tools and Instriments E.R Huggard & T.H. Owen London, Methuen 1964 Economic Geography
Hevea: Thirty Years of Research in the Far East M.J. Eijkman Florida, University of Miami Press 1951 Rubber
Fruit Cuture Dr. Sham Singh New Dehli, Indian Council of Agriculture Research 1963 Fruits
What does it Take? The Role in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific: Executive Summary Thomas Enters...[et...al] Bangkok, F.A.O 2004 Foret and Forestry
What does it Take? The Role of Incentivesin Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific Thomas Enters and Patsick B. Durst Bangkok, F.A.O 2004 Forest and Forestry
Summary of Currently Available Information on Internationally Threatened Wildlife Species in Burma. R.E. Salter Rangoon, F.A.O 1983 Zoology / Animals
Summary of Currently Available Information on Internationally Threatened Wildlife Species in Burma. R.E. Salter Rangoon, F.A.O 1983 Zoology / Animals
Forestry Sector Planning : Proceedings of a Meeting Held 18- 22 September 1994 in Anchorage Alaska David G. Brand Canada, Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1993 Forest and Forestry
Settlement Planning and Sustainable Land Use: A Planning Study Achana Klaisombooan ...et al Rome,F.A.O 1992 Land
Developing on Asia Pacific Strateg for Forest Invasive Species : The Coconut Bettle Problem Bridging Agriculture and Repost P S.Appanak, H.C. sim & K.V Sankaran Bangkok, F.A.O 2007 Invasive Species
