E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Studies on the Germination in Seeds of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris L.) Bengt Nyman Stockholm, Essetle Aktiebolag 1963 Pines
Genetic Variation in Progeny Tests of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris ) Carin Eklundh Ehrenberg Stockholm, Essetle Aktiebolag 1963 Pines
Genetic Variation in Progeny Tests of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris ) Carin Eklundh Ehrenberg Stockholm, Essetle Aktiebolag 1963 Pines
Genetic Variation in Progeny Tests of Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris ) Carin Eklundh Ehrenberg Stockholm, Essetle Aktiebolag 1963 Pines
Geographic Distribution of the Pines of the World William B. Critchfield & Elbest L. Little,Jr Washington, D.C,U.S Department of Agriculture 1966 Pines
Branching and Flowering Characteristics of Monetery Pine (Bulletin No.37) J.M Fielding Conberra, Commonwealth Government Printer 1960 Pines
Pinus Radiata Growth & Economics Mikael Grut Cape Town , A.A.Balkema 1970 Pines
Pinus Rediata C.W. Scott Rome, F.A.O 1960 Pines
Intigenous People and Rattan F.A.O Bangkok, F.A.O 1993 Bamboo/Rattan
The Role of Bamboo, Rattan and Medicinal Plants in Mountain Development Madhav Karki...[et.al] New Delhi, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan 1997 Bamboo/Rattan
Bamboo in the High Forest of Eastern Bhutan D.Messerchmidt...[et.al] Nepal,ICIMOD 2001 Bamboo/Rattan
Bleaching of Bamboo Mechanical Pulp Part I & II U Mai Aung, Daw Khin Htway & U Sein Khaing Rangoon, Union of Burma Applied Research Institute 1968 Bamboo/Rattan
Studies on the Physiology of Bamboo Tokyo, Resources Bureau 1960 Orchids
Studies on the Physiology of Bamboo Tokyo, Resources Bureau 1960 Orchids
