E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Community forestry : Herders' Decision Making in Natural Resources Management in Arid and Semi and Africa F.A.O Rome,F.A.O 1990 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
The Impact of Social and Environmental Change on Forest Management Nancy Lee Peluso Rome, F.A.O Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Tree and Land Jenure :Using Rapid Appraisal to Study Natural Resource Mangement Karen Schoonmaker Cseudenberger Rome, F.A.O 1995 Environment / Natural Resources
Common Forest Resource Management Donald A. Messerschmiett Rome ,F.A.O 1993 Forest Management
Household Food Security and Forestry F.A.O Rome F.A.O 1991 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Proceeding of the Workshop :Forest for Poverty Reduction Can Community Forestry Make Money? H.C. Sim, S. Appanah & W.M. Lu Bangkok, F.A.O 2004 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Shifting Cultivators : Local Technical Knowledge and Natural Resources Management in the Humid Tropics Katherine Warner Rome ,F.A.O 1991 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Tree and Land Jenure : Rapid Appraisal Tools F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1994 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Tree and Land Jenure : Rapid Appraisal Tools F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1994 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Shifting Cultivation in Bhuton :A Gradual Approach to Modifying Land Use Patterns Kumar P. Upedhyay Rome ,F.A.O 1995 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Forest Products Nelson Courtlandt Brown New York, John Willey & Sons, Inc 1950 Forest Products
Forest Products :Their Sources Production and Utilization A.J .Panshin... (at.al) New York, McGraw- Hill Book Company, Inc 1950 Forest Products
Forest Products : Their Sources, Production and Utilization A.J Panshin... (နအ.ေူ
Forest Products Prices( 1963-1982) F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1983 Forest Products
Forest and Forest Products Country Profile :Georgia United Nations New York, United Nations 2002 Forest Products
