E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Roles of Agroforestry in Restoration of Degraded Forest Ecosystem Bunvony Thaiutsa [...et.al] Korea, AkECOP 2003 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Agroforestry in Asia and the Pacific W.Mellink Y.S. Rao & K.G.MacDicken Bangkok,F.A.O 1991 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
The Community's Toolbox : The Idea, Methods and Tools for Participatory Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation Community Forestry F.A.O Rome, F.A.O Community Forestry 1990
Shifting Cultivation towards Sustainability and Resource Conservation in Asia Philippines, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Tree and Land Jenure in the Eastern Terai, Nepal Bhishma P Subedi Rome, F.A.O Land
Community Forestry : Rapid Appraisal of Tree and Land Tensure F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1989 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Community Forestry :Rapid Appraisal F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1989 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
What About the Wild Animals ? :Wild Animal Species in Community Forestry in the Tropics Kent H. Reedford Rome, F.A.O 1995 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Common Forest Resource Management Donald A. Messerschmiett Rome, F. A.O 1993 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
A Forester's Guide or Community Invonent in Upland Conservation James H. French, Romeo H, Gacolea Rome ,F.A.O 1986 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Community Forestry: Ten Years in Review F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1992 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Research Policy for Community Forestry Asia- Pacific Region: Proceedingsof a Saminar Mervin, E. Stevens, Suree Bhumibhamon & Henry Wood Bangkok, RECOFTC 1990 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Case Studies in Forest- Based Small Scale Enterprise in Asia : Rattan Match marking Handicrafts Jeffrey Y Campbell Bangkok, F.A.O 1991 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Shifting Caltivation of Indonesia : Marauders or Managers of the Forest? Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Richard G. Dudley Rome, F.A.O Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
Community Forestry : Participatory Assessment Monitoring and Evaluation F.A.O Rome, F.A.O 1989 Community Forestry\ Agroforestry
