E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Goat Husbandry Mackenzie, David London, Faber and Faber 1967 Goat Husbandry
Goat Grazing and Forestry in Cyprus A.H.Unwin London, The Technical Press Goat Husbandry
Animal Husbandry G.Williamson & W.J.A. Payne London, Longmans 1959 Animal Husbandry
Animal Breeding L.M. Winters New York, John Wiley & Sons 1954 Animal Breeding
The Unheated Greenhouse Dennagh Goold- Adams London, W.H and L.Collingride 1955 Greenhouse gardening
Cork and Cork Tree Giles B. Cooke Oxford, Pergamon Press 1961 Cork
Alaska Trees and Shrubs Leslie A. Viereck Washington, D.C, Forest Service Shrubs 1972
Truf Management H. Burtan Musser New York, McGraw- Hill Book 1962 Truf
Sander's The Flower Garden A.J Macsell London, W.H.L.Collingridge 1905 Flower Gardening
Sander's The Flower Garden A.KJ
Perennial Flower for Small Gardens Pter Hunt London, Pan Books 1965 Flower Gardening
The Mushroom Hunter's Field Guide Alexander H.Smith Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press 1969 Mushroom
Common Edible Mushrooms Clyde M.Christensen Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press 1943 Mushroom
The Mushroom Handbook Louis C.C.Krieger New York, Dover Publications 1967 Mushroom
Common Mushrooms Willam S.Thomas New York, G.P.Putnam's Sons 1928 Mushroom
