E Library

Title Author Place / Publisher Year Subject
Soft fruit Growing E.C.Gilbert England, Penguin Books 1970 Garden Fruits
Herbs for Cooking and for Healing Donald Law London, W.Foulsham 1970 Herbs
Practical Herb Growing Dorothy Hewer London, G-Bell & Sons 1969 Herbs
The Occult Properties of Herbs W.B.Crow London, The Aquarian Press 1969 Herbs
Herb Growing for Health Donald Law London, John Gifford 1969 Herbs
The Herb Book John B.Lust, N.D.,D.B.M New York, Bantam Books 1974 Herbs
Herbs: How to Grow Treat and use Them Ethelind Fearon London,Herbert Jenkins 1953 Herbs
A Garden of Herbs Eleanour Sinclair Rohde New York, Dover Publications, Inc. 1969 Herbs
Gardening in the Lowlands of Malaya R.E.Holttum Singapore, The Straits Times Press, Ltd. 1953 Horticulture/ Gardening
Tropical Planting and Gardening with Special Reference to Ceylon H.F.Macmillan London,Macmill & Co.Ltd. 1962 Horticulture/ Gardening
Gardening by the Sea J.R.B.Evison London, Pan Books Ltd 1969 Horticulture/ Gardening
Shrubs and Trees for Small Gardens C.E.Lucas Phillips London, Pan Books Ltd. 1965 Horticulture/ Gardening
Firminger's Manual of Gardening for India Calcutta, Thacker Spink & Co. Privated Ltd. 1965 Horticulture/ Gardening
Farm Wood Crops John Frederick Perston New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company 1949 Horticulture/ Gardening
Aims and Methods in the Study of Vegatation A.G.Tansley & T.F.Chipp London, The British Empire Vegetation Committe & The Crown Agents for the Colonies 1926 Horticulture/ Gardening
